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The Praxis® Tests

Supporting aspiring teachers on their journey to the classroom

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Multistate Standard-Setting Studies

The ETS multistate standard-setting study process assists states when new and regenerated tests require new passing scores. This approach, designed by ETS researchers, convenes practitioner panels to recommend a passing score for states to consider. The panels simulate a test-taking experience prior to recommending a passing score. The panels also confirm that the content is important and relevant to entry-level practice. Multistate standard-setting studies are important because they:

  • reduce the state burden of recruiting educators
  • gain greater educator input into the passing score recommendation — up to 50 educators
  • provide a more efficient process for moving states from old to new tests
  • allow for multiple rounds of panel judgments, feedback and discussion
  • add support for states seeking greater interstate portability

Each state maintains valuable control by setting its own passing score, while the multistate standard-setting study provides practitioner judgments and documentation to inform that decision.

See the results of the multistate standard-setting studies (PDF) ETS has conducted.

For more information, email us at or call 1-866-243-4088.